

【抄訳と訳注⑰】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】

The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press





5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性 (p.182-pp.183)


 That Kant’s assumptions are ill founded may perhaps be shown more clearly by considering the moral status of human moral patients, given his assumptions.By definition human moral patients are not moral agents and so, on Kant’s principles, are not rational beings.Because they are not rational beings, they can have no value in their own right and must, instead, be viewed as things, having value “merely as a means to an end”.It follows from this that we can do no direct moral wrong to any human moral patient. All that can be said about our moral dealings with such human is that our duties involving them are indirect duties to rational beings.






 人間の道徳的受益者への道徳的地位を考えることによって、カントの仮定に根拠はないことは明らかである。カントの原則によれば、人間の道徳的受益者は理性的存在者ではない。道徳的受益者の権利自体に価値はない。代わりに、彼/彼女たちは「物件」(things)すなわち「単なる目的のための手段」(merely as a means to an end)として見なされなければならない。一方、道徳的受益者に直接的に道徳的不正を犯すことができない理由は、道徳的受益者への「義務」(duties)すべては、理性的存在者への「間接的な義務」(indirect duties)であるからである。


Thus, I do no moral wrong to a child if I torture her for hours on end. The moral grounds for objecting to what I do must be looked for elsewhere -namely, in the effect doing this will have on my character, causing me, so Kant’s view suppose, to become “hard” in my dealings with human moral agents.But suppose I torture only one human moral patient in my life.Though I am squeamish at first, suppose I steel myself against my usual sensitivities and use all my imagination to visit horror upon the child.And suppose that, having satisfied myself of what I had supposed might be true-namely, that I have no taste for torture-I release my captive and never again indulge in torturing any human being again. The habit of cruelty finds no permanent home in my breast.






 この議論の中に出てくる「道徳的受益者」(moral patient)とは、例えば「子ども」が想定されている。カントの立場で考えると、何時間折檻しても、子どもに道徳的不正を犯していることにはならない。この行為を禁止すべき道徳的根拠は、われわれの性格に悪影響を与えるという点である。「道徳的受益者」は理性的存在者ではなく、単なる「物件」なので、2度と折檻しないと誓うならば、自分の胸の中に「残酷な習慣」(the habit of cruelty )は永久に残ることはない。


Are we to say that therefore I did nothing wrong to my one and only torture victim? However implausible this must seem, Kant’s position does imply that the correct answer is affirmative.














【抄訳と訳注⑯】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】

The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press





5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性 (p.181-pp.182)


 To defend the internal consistency of Kant’s position, given his assumptions, is one thing. To defend its adequacy is quite another. That position cannot be any more adequate than the assumption that animals are things and, relatively, that they have value “merely as means to an end “, that end being man.






 「カントの立場の内部の一貫性を擁護すること」(To defend the internal consistency of Kant’s position)と「その妥当性を擁護すること」(To defend its adequacy)は、別の問題である。カントの立場では、人間以外の動物は単なる「物件」(things)である。そして彼/彼女たちは、「目的である人間への単なる手段として」相対的な価値以上の存在ではあり得ない。


 The assumption that animals are things is false at best. For reasons given in chapter 3, it is reasonable to view animals as having a welfare that is not logically tied to their use by humans to promote human ends. Moreover, while it is admittedly true that animals lack the kind of autonomy required for moral agency, it is false that they lack autonomy in any sense. For animals not only have preference, they can also act, on their own, to satisfy these preferences.






 人間以外の動物を「物件」であると見なすことは、間違っている。「人間の目的」(human ends)を促進するため、彼/彼女たちをわれわれ人間とは論理的には結びつかない「福祉」(a welfare)が存在する。どんな意味においても、彼/彼女たちが「自律」(autonomy)を欠いていると考えることは誤りである。なぜなら、彼/彼女たちは「選好」(preference)を持つだけでなく、それを満たすため自ら行動できるからである。


To view them, as Kant does, as -like art supplies- things, and thus as having, as art supplies have, value only relative to human desires and purposes, is radically to distort what animals are. Even were we to concede, contrary to Broadie and Pybus, that Kant’s position is consistent, it does not follow that we should view it as adequate.






 人間以外の動物を「人間の欲望や目的への単に相対的な価値」(value only relative to human desires and purposes)しか持たないと見なすことは、彼/彼女たちの存在を根本的に歪めることに繋がる。人間以外の動物を「人間の欲望や目的への単に相対的な価値」しか持たないとカントが一貫して認めたとしても、われわれはそれを認めるべきではない。【続く】








【抄訳と訳注⑮】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】

The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press





5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性 (p.181-pp.182)


An example might make this clearer. An angry child who breaks his art supplies does not destroy something that exists as an end in itself; he destroys something that has value as a means.Now, the supplies, which have value merely as a means, have been treated in a way that is “unfitting to the nature as things to be used for painting. But no moral wrong is thereby done to them; the child violates no direct duty owed to the supplies.






 「自らの作品を壊し怒っている子ども」(An angry child who breaks his art)を、レーガンは例に挙げる。「自らの作品を壊し怒っている子ども」は、単に「手段として価値あるものを破壊」しているに過ぎない。「手段として価値あるもの」とは、「絵画」(painting)として使用されるものという意味である。「絵画」自体は、カントの言う「目的それ自体」(an end in itself)として存在しているわけではないので、その子どもに道徳的過失は生じない。


 It does not follow, however, that we either would or must view his conduct as morally indifferent, or that we cannot follow Kant’s lead in attempting to explain why his behavior should be nipped in the bud. After all, one ought not to let one’s emotions get the best of one, not only because this will lead one to do some foolish things in a fit of rage (e.g., destroy art supplies one will later regret not having) but also because a repetition of such behavior could in time lead one to lash out in morally offensive ways towards those individuals towards whom one does have direct duties.Needless to destroy something that has value merely as a means arguably is to treat that thing in a way that is “unfitting to its nature; but the moral grounds for objections to such destructions could be viewed as distinctively Kantian in flavor. Despite objections to the contrary, therefore, Kant can have a consistent position regarding the maltreatment of things having value merely as a means.






 「自らの作品を壊し怒っている子ども」の「自らの作品を壊す」という「行為の芽を摘む」(be nipped in the bud)べき理由を説明するとき、カントの主張に従うことはできない。そのような行動を繰り返すと、道徳的に不快な方法で直接的に義務を負う個人をその子どもが打ちのめす可能性が生じるからである。手段として価値あるものを壊すことはいうまでもなく、「その本性に合わない」扱いをすることである。このように、カントは単なる手段として価値ある物件の不当な扱いに一貫した立場をとる。


This much granted, it is a small step, given his view of animals, to see that his position regarding their maltreatment also is consistent with general principles of his ethical theory. This is because animals are, in Kant’s view as Broadie and Pybus note, things and have only relative value.As things, then, we maltreat animals when we treat them in ways that reduce their value as means for those individuals for whom, in Kant’s view, they exist in the first place-human beings.






 カントの動物観を考えると、動物虐待に関する立場もその倫理的な一般原則と一致する。ブローディーやパイバスによると、動物は物件であり「単に相対的な価値」(only relative value)でしかない。一方、カントの見解では、「人間のための手段として」(as means for those individuals)人間以外の動物を彼/彼女の価値を減少させるように扱うとき、われわれは彼/彼女たちを不当に扱うことになる。


To treat animals in ways that diminish their utility for us is indeed to treat them in ways unfitting to their nature, given Kant’s view, since their nature is to exist as means to our purpose. But the grounds Kant has, and those he can consistently have, for objecting to the maltreatment of animals, are not that acting in this way is contrary to any direct duty we have to them; rather, as in the analogous case regarding the gratuitous destruction of the art supplies, the grounds he has, and can consistently have, lie in the (supposed) effects this will have on our character and thus, in this view, on how in time the habit of treating animals cruelly will lead us to fail to fulfill our direct duties to those to whom we have such duties-namely, ourselves and other human beings.






 カントの見解では、あくまで人間以外の動物は「人間の目的のための手段として」(as means to our purpose)存在するに過ぎない。われわれにとって有用性を低下させるように人間以外の動物を扱うことは、彼/彼女たちを「本性にふさわしくない」扱いをすることである。作品の不当な破壊に関する場合と同様、カントが一貫して持つ根拠は、人間以外の動物を不当に扱う行為がわれわれの人格に悪影響を与えることである。カントの見解では、動物を不当に扱う習慣が、われわれ自身や他の人間への直接的な義務を果たせなくなることに繋がる。【続く】









【抄訳と訳注⑭】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】

The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press





5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性 (p.181 )


The issue, it bears emphasizing, is not whether Kant provides us with an acceptable account of how animals may be treated; it is whether his ethical theory allows for the possibility of his presenting any account at all. It seems that it does. 








 What Kant could argue is that maltreatment of those things that have value merely as means consists in treating them in ways that reduce their value as means, which, given the sort of value they have, is” unfitting to their nature”. And he could then argue that since things have value merely as means, no moral wrong is thereby done to them when they are treated in ways that are “unfitting to their nature”.






 カントによれば、「単に手段として価値ある物件」(things that have value merely as means )の不当的扱いは、手段としての価値を減少させる方法でその対象を扱うことである。「単なる手段として価値を持つ」ものとしての「物件」がその「本性にふさわしくない」(unfitting to their nature)方法で扱われるならば、道徳的過失はその対象にはもたらされない。


 Rather, the explanation of when and, if so, why maltreating things is morally wrong is that this will in time lead moral agents to maltreat individuals who exist as ends in themselves.






 ここで、レーガンのコメントが入る。上記のようにカントの主張に従うならば、「道徳的主体」(moral agents)に「目的それ自体」(ends in themselves)として存在する個人を不当に扱うことに繋がる。【続く】



 Kant.I,1785:Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten(邦題:訳注・カント『道徳形而上学の基礎づけ』、宇都宮芳明著、以文社、1989年.)


 浅野幸治,2018:動物の権利 ー間接義務説再考ー、『フィロソフィア・イワテ』所収、岩手哲学会編、岩手哲学会、2018年.https://ndlonline.ndl.go.jp/#!/detail/R300000002-I028999359-00








【抄訳と訳注⑬】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】

The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press





5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性 (p.180ーpp.181 )


 Broadie and Pybus have a reply to this attempted defense of Kant.” For Kant”, they write,


 Whatever is not an end in itself cannot be an object of direct moral concern. But Kant holds that animals are not ends in themselves. If, therefore, we are to speak, as Kant wishes, of maltreating an animal, we are to speak of maltreating something which is not an object of direct moral concern. Now maltreatment is a moral concept, in so far as it refers to a mode of dealing with objects which is unfitting to their nature. But if animals are not object of moral concern, then in what can maltreatment of them consist?








 「カントのこの試みられた擁護」(this attempted defense of Kant)が意味することは、前回の記事でも書いたように(注1)、カントが動物を手段として扱うことが問題となる結果をもたらすことを主張していないという点である。つまり動物たちを虐待しようとすることを、カントは認めていない。この点について、ブローディーとパイバスは上記のような回答を行っている。


 The inference we are to make is that Kant’s position will not allow him to give an account of how animals may be maltreated. But is this true? It would seem not.








(注1) 過去記事を参照。



Broadie and Pybus on Kant by Tom Regan】 http://tomregan.free.fr/Tom-Regan-Broadie-and-Pybus-on-Kant.pdf






【抄訳と訳注⑫】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】

The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press





 5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性 (p.180 )


 This same error underlies the charge of absurdity and inconsistency that the authors level against Kant in bringing their argument to a head.

 They write:


 Thus, if[Kant] is to use the argument that using animals as means will lead us to use rationality as means, he must generalize it, and say that because of the effect on our behavior towards other people, we ought never to use anything as a means, and we have an indirect duty not to do so. This is not merely absurd, but contrary to his imperative of skill (emphasis added).








 カントに対する不条理と矛盾の告発には、「この同じ誤り」(This same error )が存在する。「この同じ誤り」とはすなわち、動物虐待を行わないことは「間接義務」であるとする一方で、動物を「手段」(means)として扱ってはいけないことをカントは否定してはいないということである(注1)。この主張を明確化するため、上記のように、レーガンはブローディーとパイバスの主張を引用する。


The point is, however, that Kant does not maintain that using animals as means will lead to the effects in question; what he does maintain is that maltreating them will.






 ブロ-ディーとパイバスの引用を通してレーガンが言いたいことは、「動物たちを虐待しようとすること」(maltreating them will)をカントは認めていないことである。


So Broadie and Pybus cannot argue that Kant’s position leads to the absurd consequence that we have an indirect duty not to use any thing as means on the ground that Kant holds that we have an indirect duty not to use animals in this way.Nor can they say that his view here is inconsistent with his imperative of skill.  For what follows from what Kant says is not that we have an indirect duty not to use any thing as a means; what follows is that we have an indirect duty not to maltreat any thing, if, by doing so, we are led to use the rationality in ourselves or in others merely as means.






 レーガンによれば、「この方法で」(in this way)つまり人間以外の動物をわれわれが虐待するという意味で動物を扱わない「間接義務」(indirect duty)があるという理由で、「手段として」(as means)、例えば荷物運搬用として人間以外の動物を扱わない「間接義務」が存在すると主張できない。 ところで『道徳形而上学の基礎づけ』(以下『基礎づけ』と略記)によれば、「熟練の命法」(imperative of skill)は「仮言命法」(hypothetical imperative)のひとつである。「熟練の命法」は、ある目的が①われわれにとって可能であるか②どのようすればこの目的が達成されるかを指示する命法からなる。この目的が、理性的あるいは善であるかという問題とは無関係である(注2)。「熟練の命法」カントの立場に矛盾は生じない。カントが言うことから導き出されることは、われわれは人間以外の動物をいかなる場合でも「手段」として扱ってはいけないという「間接義務」が存在する、ということではないということである。【続く】


(注1) 過去記事を参照。



(注2) Ⅳ,415 参照。



Broadie and Pybus on Kant by Tom Regan】







【抄訳と訳注⑪】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】

The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press





5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性 (p.180 )


 Something has gone wrong here. Kant never maintains that it is wrong to use animals as means-for example, as beasts of burden.











 What he does maintain is that maltreatment of animals is wrong because it leads those who do so to treat persons in a similar way. And it is clear that Kant does not suppose- as ,in the passage just quoted, Brodie and Pybus erroneously assume that he does-that the concept of maltreating an animal, on the one hand, and the concept of using an animal as a means, on the other, are the same or logically equivalent concepts.






 カントの立場で考えるならば、人間以外の動物を虐待すると「同じような仕方」(in a similar way)で人間も扱うことに繋がる。したがって、人間以外の動物を虐待するという概念と、人間以外の動物を手段として利用する概念が同等の概念であるとカントは想定していない。


 For we can, given Kant’s views, use an animal as a means without at the same time necessarily maltreating it ,as when, for example, a blind man uses a Seeing Eye dog but treats him with love and devotion.






 カントの主張に従って、人間以外の「動物を虐待すること」(maltreating it)と、荷物運搬用動物のように「手段として利用」(use an animal as a means)することは同等であることに対する反例をレーガンは示す。例えば、視覚障害者が「盲導犬を利用」(uses a Seeing Eye dog)することである。【続く】


アレクサンダー・ブローディー・エリザス.M.パイバスに対するレーガンのコメントについて以下を参照。Broadie and Pybus on Kant by Tom Regan】http://tomregan.free.fr/Tom-Regan-Broadie-and-Pybus-on-Kant.pdf






【抄訳と訳注⑩】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】

The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press





 5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性 (p.179 )


 The contemporary English philosopher Alexander Broadie and Elizabeth M. Pybus dispute Kant’s position on two counts, neither of which contents the accuracy of Kant’s psychological speculation. (A variation of Kant’s psychological argument will be offered in different context below,9.1 and 9.4.) They argue , first, that Kant’s position is “radically at odds with a sound ordinary view concerning our treatment of animals, namely, the view that animals, in so far as they have a capacity for suffering, are objects of direct moral concern, “and , second, that Kant’s view regarding our duties involving animals leads to absurdity and is internally inconsistent with other principles in his ethical theory.






 ブロ-ディーとパイバスは、カントの立場に異議を唱えている。異議とは、次の2点である。第1に、人間以外の動物に苦しむ能力がある限り、彼/彼女らは直接的な「道徳的関心」(moral concern)の対象であるという見方と根本的に対立する点である。第2に、人間以外の動物を含む「われわれの義務」(our duties)に関するカントの見方は不合理で、彼の倫理学的理論はカントの他の原則と内部的に矛盾している点である。


 Though the former criticism is well founded, it is doubtful that the latter criticism is. The reasons Broadie and Pybus marshal in support of their second criticism are as follows:


Kant’s] argument, put briefly, is to the effect that if human beings maltreat animals they will acquire a tendency to use rationality (in themselves or in other people) as a means. But, according to Kant, animals are, in the technical sense, things, and consequently are precisely what we should use as means. His argument therefore is that if we use certain things, viz. animals, as means, we will be led to use human beings as means.











Broadie and Pybus on Kant by Tom Regan】 http://tomregan.free.fr/Tom-Regan-Broadie-and-Pybus-on-Kant.pdf






【抄訳と訳注⑨】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】

The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press





5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性 (p.179 )


   These matters to one side, what shall we say of Kant’s general account of our duties involving animals?  Despite well-known exceptions (some Nazis practiced great kindness to animals), Kant’s general psychological point may be right: people who are indifferent to the suffering they cause animals may come in time to from a habit of indifference and thus might be equally indifferent to the suffering they visit upon humans, while those who are sensitive in their dealing with animals may develop a habit of sensitivity that is also expressed in their dealing with humans. 






 確かに、人間以外の「動物への対応に感受性の鋭い人々」( those who are sensitive in their dealing with animals)は「人間への対応にも表れる感受性の習慣」(a habit of sensitivity that is also expressed in their dealing with humans)を発揮するかもしれない。つまり人間以外の「動物への対応に感受性の鋭い人々」は人間にも心理的な配慮を習慣化できる人になるだろう。一方で人間以外の動物に生じる苦しみに無関心な者は、時間の経過とともに無関心の習慣を身に付ける。結果的に、そのような者は人間に訪れる苦しみと同様に無関心になる。このカントの「心理学的指摘」(psychological point)は正しいと、レーガンは主張する。



The point certainly is arguable, and some noted champions of better treatment for animals-George Bernard Shaw, for example-would seem to rest their unqualified opposition to the use of animals in science on a position like Kant’s in the relevant respects. “We must “, Shaw writes,” apply the test of character, and ask ourselves not merely, ’What will happen if I do this particular (experiment)?’but ‘What sort of man will I be if I do it?’ In Shaw’s view, as in Kant’s, it is the effect that our treating animals in certain ways has upon our character,  and for Kant, and perhaps for Shaw as well, the effect our character has on how we treat human beings, that provide the grounds for morally approving or disapproving our treating animals in certain ways.








(注1)  この点に関して過去記事を参照。



(注2) この議論に関して以下の文献を参照。







【抄訳と訳注⑦】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】

The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press






5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性(p.177-pp.178)


 We should expect, therefore, that, when he turns to the question of out duties involving animals, Kant would opt for an indirect duty view. Anything more than this would simply fly in the face of his considered views on the nature and foundation of morality.This is an expectation Kant fulfills. “So far as animals are concerned”, he writes,





 We have no direct duties. Animals are not self-conscious and are there merely to an end. That end is man... Our duties to animals are merely indirect duties to mankind. Animal nature has analogies to human nature, and by doing our duties to animal in respect of manifestations of human nature, we indirectly do our duties to humanity. Thus, if a dog has served his master long and faithfully, his service, on the analogy of human service, deserves rewards, and when the dog has grown too old to serve, his master ought to keep him until he dies. Such action helps to support us in our duties towards human beings, where they are bounden duties. If then any acts of animals are analogous to human acts and spring from the same principles, we have duties towards the animals because thus we cultivate the corresponding duties towards human beings. If a man shoots his dog because the animal is no longer capable of service, he does not fail in his duty to the dog, for the dog cannot judge, but his act is inhuman and damages in himself that humanity which it is his duty to show towards mankind. If he is not to stifle his human feelings, he must practice kindness towards animals, for he who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men... (whereas)... tender feelings towards dumb animals develop humane feelings towards mankind*

*Immanuel Kant ”Duties to Animals and Spirits”, in Lectures on Ethics












