

【抄訳と訳注①】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】

The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press


5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性(p.174-pp.175)


 Unlike Rawls, whose views on our duties regarding animals are unclear at best, Kant provides us with an explicit statement of indirect duty view. That Kant should hold such a view should not be surprising ; it is a direct consequence of his moral theory, the main outlines of which may be briefly, albeit crudely, summarized for a second times .(see 4.5)






 動物に対する義務を「間接義務」(indirect duty)(注1)であると、カントは主張する。それは、彼の道徳理論の直接的帰結である。この概要は、本書4.5を参照。


On Kant`s view, rational beings, by which he means moral agents, are ends in themselves (have, that is, independent value, or worth, in their own rights, quite apart from how useful they happen to be to others) .As such, no moral agent is ever to be treated merely as a means. 






 カントが「道徳的主体」(moral agents)を意味する「理性的存在者」(rational beings)は、「目的それ自体」(ends in themselves)である。「道徳的主体」は、単に「手段」(means)として扱われることはない。


This is not to say that we may never make use of the skills or services of moral agents in their capacities as, say, machines, plumbers, or surgeons. It is to say that we most never impose our will, by force, coercion, or deceit, on any moral agent to do what we want them to do just because we stand to benefit as a result. 








To treat moral agents in this way is to treat them as if they had no value or, alternatively, as if they were things.








As Kant remarks, “beings whose existence depends, not on our will, but on nature, have nonetheless, if they are non-rational only a relative value and are consequently called things “. Moral agents are not nonrational, do not have “only a relative value, “and are not things. Moral agents (rational beings) are ends in themselves.









浅野幸治,2018:動物の権利ー間接義務再考ー、『フィロソフィア・イワテ (49)』所収、岩手哲学会 編、岩手哲学会、2018年.








