

【抄訳と訳注⑩】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】

The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press





 5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性 (p.179 )


 The contemporary English philosopher Alexander Broadie and Elizabeth M. Pybus dispute Kant’s position on two counts, neither of which contents the accuracy of Kant’s psychological speculation. (A variation of Kant’s psychological argument will be offered in different context below,9.1 and 9.4.) They argue , first, that Kant’s position is “radically at odds with a sound ordinary view concerning our treatment of animals, namely, the view that animals, in so far as they have a capacity for suffering, are objects of direct moral concern, “and , second, that Kant’s view regarding our duties involving animals leads to absurdity and is internally inconsistent with other principles in his ethical theory.






 ブロ-ディーとパイバスは、カントの立場に異議を唱えている。異議とは、次の2点である。第1に、人間以外の動物に苦しむ能力がある限り、彼/彼女らは直接的な「道徳的関心」(moral concern)の対象であるという見方と根本的に対立する点である。第2に、人間以外の動物を含む「われわれの義務」(our duties)に関するカントの見方は不合理で、彼の倫理学的理論はカントの他の原則と内部的に矛盾している点である。


 Though the former criticism is well founded, it is doubtful that the latter criticism is. The reasons Broadie and Pybus marshal in support of their second criticism are as follows:


Kant’s] argument, put briefly, is to the effect that if human beings maltreat animals they will acquire a tendency to use rationality (in themselves or in other people) as a means. But, according to Kant, animals are, in the technical sense, things, and consequently are precisely what we should use as means. His argument therefore is that if we use certain things, viz. animals, as means, we will be led to use human beings as means.











Broadie and Pybus on Kant by Tom Regan】 http://tomregan.free.fr/Tom-Regan-Broadie-and-Pybus-on-Kant.pdf




