

【抄訳と訳注⑮】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】

The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press





5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性 (p.181-pp.182)


An example might make this clearer. An angry child who breaks his art supplies does not destroy something that exists as an end in itself; he destroys something that has value as a means.Now, the supplies, which have value merely as a means, have been treated in a way that is “unfitting to the nature as things to be used for painting. But no moral wrong is thereby done to them; the child violates no direct duty owed to the supplies.






 「自らの作品を壊し怒っている子ども」(An angry child who breaks his art)を、レーガンは例に挙げる。「自らの作品を壊し怒っている子ども」は、単に「手段として価値あるものを破壊」しているに過ぎない。「手段として価値あるもの」とは、「絵画」(painting)として使用されるものという意味である。「絵画」自体は、カントの言う「目的それ自体」(an end in itself)として存在しているわけではないので、その子どもに道徳的過失は生じない。


 It does not follow, however, that we either would or must view his conduct as morally indifferent, or that we cannot follow Kant’s lead in attempting to explain why his behavior should be nipped in the bud. After all, one ought not to let one’s emotions get the best of one, not only because this will lead one to do some foolish things in a fit of rage (e.g., destroy art supplies one will later regret not having) but also because a repetition of such behavior could in time lead one to lash out in morally offensive ways towards those individuals towards whom one does have direct duties.Needless to destroy something that has value merely as a means arguably is to treat that thing in a way that is “unfitting to its nature; but the moral grounds for objections to such destructions could be viewed as distinctively Kantian in flavor. Despite objections to the contrary, therefore, Kant can have a consistent position regarding the maltreatment of things having value merely as a means.






 「自らの作品を壊し怒っている子ども」の「自らの作品を壊す」という「行為の芽を摘む」(be nipped in the bud)べき理由を説明するとき、カントの主張に従うことはできない。そのような行動を繰り返すと、道徳的に不快な方法で直接的に義務を負う個人をその子どもが打ちのめす可能性が生じるからである。手段として価値あるものを壊すことはいうまでもなく、「その本性に合わない」扱いをすることである。このように、カントは単なる手段として価値ある物件の不当な扱いに一貫した立場をとる。


This much granted, it is a small step, given his view of animals, to see that his position regarding their maltreatment also is consistent with general principles of his ethical theory. This is because animals are, in Kant’s view as Broadie and Pybus note, things and have only relative value.As things, then, we maltreat animals when we treat them in ways that reduce their value as means for those individuals for whom, in Kant’s view, they exist in the first place-human beings.






 カントの動物観を考えると、動物虐待に関する立場もその倫理的な一般原則と一致する。ブローディーやパイバスによると、動物は物件であり「単に相対的な価値」(only relative value)でしかない。一方、カントの見解では、「人間のための手段として」(as means for those individuals)人間以外の動物を彼/彼女の価値を減少させるように扱うとき、われわれは彼/彼女たちを不当に扱うことになる。


To treat animals in ways that diminish their utility for us is indeed to treat them in ways unfitting to their nature, given Kant’s view, since their nature is to exist as means to our purpose. But the grounds Kant has, and those he can consistently have, for objecting to the maltreatment of animals, are not that acting in this way is contrary to any direct duty we have to them; rather, as in the analogous case regarding the gratuitous destruction of the art supplies, the grounds he has, and can consistently have, lie in the (supposed) effects this will have on our character and thus, in this view, on how in time the habit of treating animals cruelly will lead us to fail to fulfill our direct duties to those to whom we have such duties-namely, ourselves and other human beings.






 カントの見解では、あくまで人間以外の動物は「人間の目的のための手段として」(as means to our purpose)存在するに過ぎない。われわれにとって有用性を低下させるように人間以外の動物を扱うことは、彼/彼女たちを「本性にふさわしくない」扱いをすることである。作品の不当な破壊に関する場合と同様、カントが一貫して持つ根拠は、人間以外の動物を不当に扱う行為がわれわれの人格に悪影響を与えることである。カントの見解では、動物を不当に扱う習慣が、われわれ自身や他の人間への直接的な義務を果たせなくなることに繋がる。【続く】







