

【抄訳と訳注⑧】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】

The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press





5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性 (p178-pp.179)


 Three preliminary criticisms are worth making before moving on to assess Kant’s general account of our duties involving animals.First, Kant is mistaken when he claims that “animals are not self-conscious.” Arguments have been advanced earlier (2.5) that make ascriptions of self-consciousness to animals both intelligible and confirmable. 








Second, on one interpretation of what it means to “judge”, it is false that a dog and, by implication, similar animals” cannot judge”.If to judge that something is a bone requires (a) having a (even our) concept of bone and (b) applying that concept in a given case-that is, judging (believing) ‘That is a bone’-then it is false, for reasons given in chapter2, that “animals cannot judge”.If, instead, Kant has some other kind of judgement in mind- in particular, if he means that animals cannot make moral judgement by making reference to the categorical imperative-then what he says is doubtless true. 






 2つ目は、動物は「判断できない」(cannot judge)ことへの誤解である。ただし、動物が「定言命法」(categorical imperative)を基準に「道徳的判断」(moral judgement)を下すことができないことをカントが意味するならば、それは正しいことになる。しかし、カントはこのようなことを意図していないはずである。


The same is true of moral patients generally, however, so that Kant cannot disqualify animals as objects of direct moral concern because they cannot make moral judgement unless he also is willing to disqualify all moral patients.And to disqualify human moral patients, as will be argued below, will cause serious problems indeed for Kant’s general position.






 「一般的な道徳的受益者」(moral patients generally)とは、例えば障害者などの存在である。レーガンによれば、このような「道徳的受益者」すべてを道徳的地位を持つ者として配慮の対象外としなければ、動物を直接的な道徳的関心の対象として排除できない。人間の「道徳的受益者」を道徳的配慮の対象外として判定することは、カント的には深刻な問題を引き起こす。


Third, in the passage just quoted Kant fails to support his assertion that animals exist “merely as a means to an end”, that end being “man”. And it is difficult to see how he could provide a compelling argument in this regard.The plausibility of viewing animals as having value only if or as they serve human ends lessens as we begin to recognize that, like relevantly similar humans, animals have a life of their own that fares better or worse for them, logically independently of their utility value for others.








It is thus exceedingly unclear how it could be correct supports that their value is reducible, without remainder, to their utility to mankind, unless one is willing to make the same judgement in the case of humans like these animals in the relevant respects, which Kant is not. This line of argument will be developed more fully momentarily.















