

【抄訳と訳注⑨】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】

The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press





5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性 (p.179 )


   These matters to one side, what shall we say of Kant’s general account of our duties involving animals?  Despite well-known exceptions (some Nazis practiced great kindness to animals), Kant’s general psychological point may be right: people who are indifferent to the suffering they cause animals may come in time to from a habit of indifference and thus might be equally indifferent to the suffering they visit upon humans, while those who are sensitive in their dealing with animals may develop a habit of sensitivity that is also expressed in their dealing with humans. 






 確かに、人間以外の「動物への対応に感受性の鋭い人々」( those who are sensitive in their dealing with animals)は「人間への対応にも表れる感受性の習慣」(a habit of sensitivity that is also expressed in their dealing with humans)を発揮するかもしれない。つまり人間以外の「動物への対応に感受性の鋭い人々」は人間にも心理的な配慮を習慣化できる人になるだろう。一方で人間以外の動物に生じる苦しみに無関心な者は、時間の経過とともに無関心の習慣を身に付ける。結果的に、そのような者は人間に訪れる苦しみと同様に無関心になる。このカントの「心理学的指摘」(psychological point)は正しいと、レーガンは主張する。



The point certainly is arguable, and some noted champions of better treatment for animals-George Bernard Shaw, for example-would seem to rest their unqualified opposition to the use of animals in science on a position like Kant’s in the relevant respects. “We must “, Shaw writes,” apply the test of character, and ask ourselves not merely, ’What will happen if I do this particular (experiment)?’but ‘What sort of man will I be if I do it?’ In Shaw’s view, as in Kant’s, it is the effect that our treating animals in certain ways has upon our character,  and for Kant, and perhaps for Shaw as well, the effect our character has on how we treat human beings, that provide the grounds for morally approving or disapproving our treating animals in certain ways.








(注1)  この点に関して過去記事を参照。



(注2) この議論に関して以下の文献を参照。





