

【抄訳と訳注⑲】Tom Regan,1983:The Case for Animal Rights (p.174-pp.185)【カント道徳哲学】


The Case for Animal Rights

The Case for Animal Rights

  • 作者:Regan, Tom
  • University of California Press





5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性 (p.183-pp.184) 


 A defender of Kant might object that Kant has been misinterpreted. It is, he holds, for humanity generally, not just for human moral agents, that things having value merely as a means, including animals, exist. Thus, all human beings, not just those who are moral agents, exist as ends in themselves, on his view, and the argument of the last paragraph is exposed as unfounded.






 カントは誤解されていると、彼の擁護者たちは反論するだろう。人間以外の動物を含め単に手段として価値あるものが存在するのは、「人間の道徳的主体だけでなく、人類全般のため」(for humanity generally, not just for human moral agents)である。


Now, it may be that Kant thinks that all human beings, including human moral patients, exist as ends in themselves, but he cannot consistently think this. For since human moral patients lack the rational prerequisites for moral agency, they can have “only a relative value” and must, therefore, given Kant’s understanding of these matters, be viewed as things. This attempted defense of Kant misfires, therefore, and only serves to sharpen the dilemma he must face: he must choose between viewing human moral patients as ends in themselves, so that being a moral agent is not a necessary (though it may be a sufficient) condition of beings an ends in itself, or viewing these humans as having “only a relative value” as things.






 「人間の道徳的受益者」(human moral patients)を含む人間すべてが「目的それ自体」(ends in themselves)として存在するとカントは考えているかもしれない。しかし、彼の議論に一貫性がない。「人間の道徳的受益者」は、「道徳的主体」(moral agency)の「合理的な必要条件」(the rational prerequisites)を欠く。そこで、次の選択肢は2つしかない。1つ目は、「人間の道徳的受益者」を「目的それ自体」として「道徳的主体」であることは、「目的それ自体」であるための十分条件ではあるかもしれないが「必要条件」ではないと考える点である。2つ目は、これらの人間を「物件」(things)として「単に相対的な価値しか」(only a relative value)持たないと考える点である。このどちらかを、選択しなければならない。


If the chooses the former option, then we can have direct duties to human moral patients; if he chooses the latter, we cannot. Neither alternative is salutary for Kant. If the former is chosen, then he is obliged to surrender a central tenet of his ethical theory-namely, that only rational beings (i.e., only those who are moral agents) exist as ends in themselves. If the latter alternative is chosen, he is open to the charge of moral arbitrariness.






 どちらの選択肢も、カントにとって有益ではない。1つ目を選択したならば、カントは倫理的理論の中心的な考えを放棄しなければならない。2つ目を選択したならば、彼は「道徳的恣意性」(moral arbitrariness)の非難を受けることになる。【続く】






