5.5 カントの立場:目的それ自体としての人間性 (p.183)
But Kant’s position is worse than implausible; it is arbitrary. Let us suppose, for the sake of argument, that as a result of the pleasure I take in causing human moral patients to suffer, I came in time to develop sadistic habits and that these in turn lead me to cause human moral agents to suffer. It would be quite remarkable, to say the least, if doing the one led me to do the other if there was no resemblance between how the two reacted to what I did to them.
カントの立場は「恣意的」(arbitrary)である。子どもや障害者などの人間の「道徳的受益者」(moral patients)を苦しめて喜びを得た結果、今度は人間の「道徳的主体」(moral agents)を苦しめるように私がさせたと仮定する。一方の行為と他方の行為に関連性があるならば、両者の行為に類似性を見出せないという考え方は異常である。
If, for example, putting human moral patients on the rack produced no behavioral evidence that this hurt them, then how could I reasonably infer that doing this to human moral agents would produce the suffering which, as a sadist, I enjoy inflicting? In order for the casual story to be at all plausible, we must suppose that human moral patients, like human moral agents, can suffer and that they can manifest their anguish behaviorially in ways that resemble the ways human moral agents behave when they are made to suffer. If their behavior is similar, however, as it must be if I am to be led from causing the one to suffer to causing the other to suffer, it is reasonable to believe that their suffering also is similar.
But if the suffering is similar, and if causing it in the case of moral agents violates a direct duty owed to them (as Kant allows), then how can we nonarbitarily avoid the conclusion that causing suffering to human moral patients violates a direct duty owed to them? To reply that moral agents can act in accordance with the categorical imperative while human moral patients cannot is true but irrelevant. The issue concerns their shared capacity for suffering, not their differing abilities.
両者の苦しみが類似しており「道徳的主体」に負う「直接的な義務」(direct duty)に反するなら、人間の「道徳的受益者」に苦痛を与えることが「直接的な義務」に反するという結論にわれわれは達する。「道徳的主体」が「定言命法」(the categorical imperative)に従って行動できる一方、「道徳的受益者」はそれができなくても彼らに苦しみを与えることとは無関係である。問題は、苦しみの「共有能力」(shared capacity )に関してである。
If the duty not to cause moral agents gratuitous suffering is duty owed directly to them, the same must be true of the duty not to do the same to human moral patients. Otherwise we flaunt the requirement of moral justice; we allow dissimilar treatment of relevantly similar cases. Kant’s position does violate this requirement, and the violation of it, as we shall see more fully in a moment, is an unavoidable consequence of the moral arbitrariness of his theory.
人間の「道徳的主体」に不当な苦しみを与えないことが彼らに直接負う義務ならば、人間の「道徳的受益者」に同じことをしない義務も同様である。カントの立場は、「道徳的正義の要件」(the requirement of moral justice)に反する。【続く】